If they gossip about me and say things that aren't true. If I hear someone talking about me at work - or worse, at church - I won't seek revenge. I'm not going to stoop to behaving like that.

What that person thinks about me is irrelevant. It's important to be able to say to yourself, "I'm secure in Christ. As we're commanded "Whatever is true whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.And the God of peace will be with you" (Phil. You'll sleep better and keep your mind filled with goodness. You'll be less likely to stoop to retaliation. When you find your security in Christ, you're less burdened by your own failings and less bothered by what others say or do. He knows that we are human, prone to insecurity, pride, and probelms. Though people may speak ill of you, and though life's woes encompasses you, you can find rest in Him. You can find unfailiing love, grace, and mercy in Him. He knows each one of us individually and personally, He knows your faults, weaknesses, and insecurities yet lovea you continually and unconditionally. What can you do to get out of this maze? You can affirm your security in Christ. It is so good and it definitly will show you how good this book is. I never do this, but I just have to type page 120 in this review. It is an eye-opener and the title is definitly what this book is about. Wow! This book was quite amazing to read. Counselors, pastors, and individual Christians will find this book a no-nonsense tool for handling destructive emotions in a healthy way.

The authors cover solid biblical principles as well as the psychological aspects of our emotions, showing readers how they can actually be a constructive tool used by God to transform lives and relationships. Readers also learn the difference between good and bad anger, how to gain control of their anger, and how to direct it toward constructive ends. Ingram and Johnson help readers identify whether they are spewers, leakers, or stuffers. Their message is clear: as we deal with our anger, we deal with the primary cause for all emotions that destroy. Becca Johnson in this encouraging and practical book, showing how many emotions lead to anger, and many emotions follow from it. Well-known teacher and speaker Chip Ingram teams up with psychologist and author Dr. The broken and stressed relationships that result from these feelings can overwhelm us. We all struggle with angry feelings, brought on by tension, pressure, and the blocked goals and frustrations of day-to-day life.