He doesn't like water and this isn't helping. Rakk will move to the middle of the boat and clean his equipment. "Well, it's not the Horn of Iggwilv, but it works," he says.

When the boat gets under way, Thorgrim gives a mighty blast from his new horn. Basically two to three weeks to get where you need to go." "It's probably about a 2 week trip to the Free City of Greyhawk, and another day or two to Hardby. "I think it is a 5 day boat ride, yes?" she asks. Noot helps too, and the captain, a young half-elf named Calon, though unsure of the rest of these "landlubbers", is pretty impressed with Noot!ĭepending on the length of the journey Hepla will spend most of the time teaching spells or reading one of her books. She uses her boating skills to help while on board the Gargoyle. Vaddara is in a better than average mood with cool weather moving in. It's demanding to deal with such a large, powerful, and versatile group, but it also allows the campaign to often take on more epic qualities.Īnyway, I hope everyone likes to read these half as much as we enjoyed playing them! I also have to bump up many encounters, using 3rd ed versions of many monsters to challenge them. Yes, they are a very powerful group, which is why I try to limit their magic. He's pretty tough with a 20 strength and I think 150 hit points, or so! I had to seriously downgrade his power to fit my campaign, but since I was using 2nd ed, I used the half-giant race rules from Dark Sun, which seemed appropriate.

Rakk was an old-school character that the player used back in Gygax and Arneson's actual campaigns.

They have very high hit points, especially Rakk. They have excellent armor (thanks to slaying the Green Dragon Caustichlorinus). Going into this adventure, I believe they are about 8-9th level.