compatible with modern Windows versions.In addition, you have the option to configure the hotkey binding in the Options menu. By default, you can use F1 and F2 to start as well as stop the process, while F3 enables you to set the location for the fixed clicking. It is necessary to mention that you may easily start or stop the clicking sequences via the hotkeys. With the double click, you are able to access several files or folders, while triple click can select the whole text. A simple click places the cursor in a predefined spot, selects an item or activates a button. Similar to Polar Auto Clicker, you have the option to choose the type of interaction you want to automate. You are able to set the minimum length of time between two successive simulated mouse presses. What is more, you can customize the clicking interval. Please note, the default value is 0, which indicates an infinite number of interactions. The software gives you the ability to specify the maximum amount of items that will be clicked by typing the appropriate digit in the dedicated field. It is also possible to set automatic clicking and launch applications, prompt context menus or access the function bound to the middle mouse button. Thus you can open files and folders by simply hovering the cursor on top of them.

With Appropriate planning, you can easily create a Picture Clicker, Screen Clicker, Automated Mouse Clicker or a Key Pressing Bot with this unique and useful Windows Automation Tool.OP Auto Clicker is an easy-to-use program for Windows that allows you to automate the mouse clicking sequences. Our brain is much faster in recognizing Moving Objects on Screen, however the Computer requires to scan each and every pixel and match all the pixels in the Picture to be Searched from the pixels on the Screen. The Speed of Picture Search depends on the speed of your Computer and available resources like Memory, CPU Processing power, etc. Now Clicking Moving Objects is really easy and fun and works well with all Games and other Windows Applications. In case you have configured the Image Search Action to move Mouse Cursor with the Picture Search, the Mouse Cursor will stop at the last Pixel of the Screen Search Area. Note that all the Actions are executed in order and hence the number 1 Action will be executed first, then number 2 action and so on. All you need to do is Add the required Actions in the Script and execute the Script. Yes there are lots of other Windows Automation Actions available in the Software which together makes this easy to use Windows Automation Software a really powerful tool. Click on Screen by finding Image on Screen